Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Don't you just hate it when people drive like 5 miles an hour in the fast lane? It never fails. Every day I always have to drive behind somebody who is so slow. And you know what really gets me mad? It's when they decide to step on the gas when you try and pass them. Curse them! LOL.

Anyway, my kitty is getting a bath. Earlier she jumped out of the tub and got the rug wet. I had to snatch her back up from her hiding place to put her back in the tub. She deserves a bath. When I got home today I found that she was digging in the trash and decided to dig up some toilet paper and q-tips out of the trash. They were laying all over the living room floor.

We went to blockbuster today and checked out two more movies (Frailty and 40 days and 40 nights). We got the freedom pass thing that they are offering. I think it is pretty cool that blockbuster came out with that. You can rent two dvd movies at time. No extending viewing fees and due date. All you have to do is bring back the two movies and exchange it for two more. The freedom pass lasts for about a month and only costs $19.99 a month..