Monday, March 06, 2006

hello? Anybody out there? haha...It's been a long, long time. I've gone through some changes in the past few months. I've had several accomplishments and one set back. my first accomplishment is that i completely quit smoking back in october. second, i've changed my eating habits and thirdly i've been exercising daily or almost daily since october. I've accomplished so many things since october and so many people are very proud of me! Now for the set back, i haven't been running for 2 weeks. i have a problem with my left foot. i've been going to see a podiatrist and they tell me that i have plantar fasciaitis (sp?). if you have ever experienced the pain then you know what i am going through. it hurts like a bitch to even walk on it let alone run. i feel lost if i don't run. the podiatrist that i've been seeing has been injecting me with cortisone to try and ease the inflammation. the first injection worked. it was a miracle. it was as if nothing had ever happened to my foot, but then 3 weeks later it started to hurt again. so i go back to the podiatrist and they inject me with some more cortisone and now MORE pain. i'm so upset. i currently walk with a limp and with each step i take it's like a stretching, piercing, and tearing pain. i don't know what to do anymore. there's no way i can stay off of my foot unless i walk around with crutches. i don't think i need to go to that extreme but something has to be done. i just pray that my other foot doesn't start acting up like that because getting a needle shoved into your heel isn't a wonderful feeling. so with that said...i think the only thing that will cure my ailment is that i go through surgery and have that sucker cut in half (plantar fascia). i've heard that is another option i can think about.

Here's the new addition to our home. we've had her since november of last year.


AKA CoCoNuts

AKA CoCo Beans


Anonymous said...

how r u?