Wednesday, December 29, 2004

I hope every one had a good christmas like i did. i spent most of my vacation in kayenta and in fort defiance. I stayed in kayenta tuesday - thursday and then on thursday - saturday i spent it in fort defiance with my family. christmas was great! my family decided to open gifts early since we had such a big dinner planned on saturday. i got a lot of cool things, but the gifts i cherish the most is the chocolate and orange bath stuff my dad got for me from the body shop and the monchichi my sister sent me.

on friday night i was working up a sweat in the kitchen, i had so many dishes i had to prepare for my sister's farewell dinner. my dad and i invited all of our family members over to the dinner. it turned out excellent! i haven't seen so many aunts, uncles, and cousins in such a long time. i think the last time we got together like that was at my grandfather's funeral. it's so sad that our family isn't that close enough to have family dinners like that, but this year was different. we managed to get every one to come.

my sister is in okinawa, japan right at this very moment. i bet she has a little culture shock, but i think she will fit right in since she has some korean in her anyway. she can just walk around and act like she is speaking japanese and probably nobody wouldn't even know the difference. yeah, she will fit right in. she got word that she will be on her way to helping the sunami victims. it's so sad about what happened to those people. they say that most of them are children, such a tragedy.

anyway, i was going to post some picture but i'm too lazy to load them on to my computer. maybe, this weekend. happy new year ya'll!!


teddy makwa said...

MY family is the same way ,seems like the only time we get together is funerals. Which is 2 bad cause i have a big family. My dad was a busy man in his younger days. lol. Tell ur sis 2 prepare herself their already talkin about a cholara breakout. But u must b proud of ur sis 4 goin 2 help. Those ppl had it rough just like r ppl did. Think good thoughts.......later

And lets all try n have a happy new year.

Anonymous said...

Hi mistysnow,

I am a writer and I research gift ideas for e-books on original gift ideas for Christmas and other events like Valentine's, Easter etc. I also organize gift ideas per receiver, like for babies, for kids, for teens, for grandparents, for dog lovers, for him, for her, etc Or I organize them by category like romantic gifts and inexpensive gifts. In my research I also go through blogs that mention gifts and gift ideas or events like Christmas. That is how I came upon your blog this post. I would appreciate if you would share just one successful gift idea with me, for instance a Christmas gift for a man. I hope that my question doesn't annoy you. And I apologize if it does. I thought if I'd just ask enough people I'd wind up with plenty of good ideas to share with others again. That is what networking is all about, right? Or let's call it the spirit of Christmas. Let me know if I can do something for you. You can find my free e-books with gift ideas here: God bless.

Chevalier Blanc