Thursday, December 02, 2004 dearest friend's dog died. it's kind of freaky thinking about it. the dog died on october 23 (Saturday) and my friend's boyfriend of 15 years died 3 months earlier on July 25 (Saturday). They both died around the same time that evening. I just can't get over the coincidence. my friend cried that whole evening. i knew why she was crying though. it was like a was as if he wanted his friend.

anyway, i'm officially done with all my christmas shopping. i started in september. i had a long list this year and i wanted to get everyone's gift on time. i tell ya, buying christmas gifts is not cheap. my friend keeps telling me to start shopping at the 99 cent store. i just laugh at her cause she does that for her family every year. she says that they better be happy that they are even gettin anything from her.

my sister is on her way back at this very moment. she just got done training in wichita falls, texas. she's gonna be back for about 3 weeks and then she's off to okanawa, japan for 2 years. i'm so proud of her. i'm damn proud of her! a chick, my sister, is actually an airplane mechanic...oh and she is also certified to fix air conditioners and refrigerators. ain't that cool? any way, the funny thing about it is that she is probably more girlie than i and she is going to be working with aircraft parts. dang, i swear my sister can just put her mind to do just about anything. i'm taking two weeks off from work to spend time with her and the rest of family this month.


Danna Saunders said...

That's so great that you got your shopping done early...I still up in the air about my shopping...enough about me-your sister sounds like a great person!!