Thursday, August 04, 2005

man, i'm so fucking lazy these days. i don't have enough time during the day. most of my time is spent at work. my hours suck and i need a new job. i've been thinking about moving on. i hate work. i always hated it, but i only stay because i know i have bills to pay.

i've been sick for the past 2 weeks. i came down with a viral infection and my throat has been giving me hell for the past week. theres been days when i couldn't eat a thing because it hurt so much to swallow. i went to the dr, but all they gave me was some 800 mg ibuprofen for the pain. what kind of shit is that? all it does is knock me out for a couple of hours.

i haven't been doing much with the house lately. we haven't touched the other room. i think we got too lazy and so tired of trying to fix shit. i'm thinking of painting that room cranberry red. i have all these ideas of what i can do with that room, but like i said i'm tired of messing with that shit. we still need to tear out the stuff in the bathroom too, but we are probably going to wait until next year to do all the major work.

we were supposed to go back to the rez this weekend, but our lazy asses just don't feel like it. my coworker is already planning for the september fair. she took that friday off so she can set up camp by the side of road out in window rock. it's kind of funny how we get so gung ho about shit like that. i guess it's such a blessing sometimes to see so many greasy indian faces. so, i guess i might go with, but not sure. i don't plan that far ahead.....