Friday, March 14, 2003

i've decided that i am going to come back to work tonight so i can get some of this work done. i'm not sure what time i should come in, but it will probably be midnight or 1am. i need to put in some major hours this pay period. also, the work is easy so it should be no problem for me to come in and rack up some easy hours. besides, no one is going to be here, so i will finally have some peace and quiet here or i can be my cousin and just sleep half the time. yeah right. i bet if i try and do it, i will get caught.

i'm not really sure what i'm going to do this weekend. i was thinking dream catcher was coming out today, but its not coming out until next friday. shucks. brian was telling me that there was another movie that he wanted to watch. i think its called the hunted. we might end up watching that this weekend. if any of y'all are going to the movies this weekend i suggest you watch bringing down the house. that movie is hilarious. its a must see. you'll be laughing through the whole show. it's worth your money.