Monday, September 15, 2003

i'm tired. it's only monday, dang. i'm barely getting over the sickness i caught from the rez. somebody was spreading their disease while i was at the parade and now all i have left of my cold is an awful mucous sounding cough. brian keeps getting mad at me. he tells me to spit it out. the other morning i tried to spit out the window....i couldn't do it. i'm not a pro like brian. he even knows how to do the spitting your spit through your teeth kind of thing. i usually see people who chew skoal that do that...anyway, after i spit out the window i soon realized my spit had plastered on the back window. eww, gross. i couldn't even look at my own spit without gagging. it was pretty gross....

well, work is swell! they're planning on making me do some trancription work. they were talking about having me transcribe psychiatric evaluations. some of the records that i come upon during my day at work is really sad. sometimes, it's hard to read some of the progress notes. i just don't understand why people can do stuff to their own children. their own flesh and blood. this world is gonna end soon if this shit keeps happening like this.