this was forwarded to me and i thought it was hilarious!
First Name:___________________________ Last Name(check one):
( ) Atcitty ( ) Begay ( )Begaye ( ) Benally ( ) Nez ( ) Yazzie
Age:____(if unsure, please guess)
Shoe Size:______Left______Right Tribal Clothing Jacket Size:________
( )Spring Sheepherder ( )Summer Sheepherder ( )Fall Sheepherder
( )Winter Sheepherder ( )Unemployed ( )Dirty politician ( ) Slut ( ) Man _hore
Spouse's Name:________________ 2nd Spouse's Name:______________
3rd Spouse's Name:_____________ 4th Spouse's Name:_____________
Relationship with spouse:
( )Best friend's wife ( )Best friend's sister ( )Don't remember
( )It just happened ( )Which one.... Lover's Name:___________ 2nd Lover's Name:___________
Number of children living in household:_____ Number of children living in shed:________ Number of children living with their mothers:________ Number of children that are yours:_________
Mother's Name:________ Father's Name:_________ (if not sure, leave blank)
Education: 1st; 2nd; 3rd; 4th (Circle highest grade completed) Do you ( )own or ( )rent your mobile home?
(Check the appropriate box below) ___Total number of vehicles you own ___Number of vehicles that still crank ___Number of vehicles in front yard ___Number of vehicles in back yard ___Number of vehicles on cement blocks ___Number of vehicles with a water tank
Firearms you own and where you keep them: ___truck ___bedroom ___outhouse ___kitchen ___shed
Model and year of your pick-up:___________ 194__ Do you have a gun rack?
( )Yes ( ) No If no, please explain on separate page:
Newspapers/magazines you subscribe to:
( ) Navajo Times ( ) Gallup Independent ( ) Navajo/Hopi Observer
( ) Beautiful Buckle Bunnies ( ) INFR ( ) Squaw Dance Times
Number of times you've seen a Navajo Nation president? _____ Number of times you've seen a NN president with a woman? _____ Number of times you've seen a NN president with numerous women? _____
How often do you bathe: (if no running water,you may still respond)
( )weekly ( )Monthly ( )Not Applicable
Color of teeth:
( )Yellow ( )Brownish-yellow ( )Brown ( )Black ( )Not Applicable
Brand of alcohol you prefer: ( )T-Bird ( )G-D ( )40 oz. ( )Ocean
How far is your home from a paved road?
( )100 miles ( )200 miles ( )don't know
How many dogs do you own? ( )1-3 ( )4-8 ( ) 9-12 ( ) can't count higher than that
Average number of trips to Gallup in one month_________
Do you go to the Shalamar while visiting Gallup? ( )Yes ( ) No If no, please explain on separate sheet
Number of passengers you carry in the back of your pick-up
( )1-2 ( ) 3-4 ( )Traveling to Navajo Nation Fair (unlimited)
Can you read and speak good English ( )yes ( ) no ( )broken
Do you drink and drive after each Chapter house meeting?
( ) once in a while ( ) sometimes ( )everytime
Is your vehicle parked at a side-of-the-road jewelry stand?
( ) yes ( ) no ( ) I don't know how to make jewelry (provide CIB)
Do you listen to Vincent Craig while traveling? ( ) yes ( ) no Are you just somehow? ( ) yes ( ) no ( ) sometimes ( ) all the time
Please provide current photo from NNPD and current Gathering of Nations bumper sticker for proper registration and $10.00 or two sheeps for two year licenses.
Thursday, September 18, 2003
posted by: mistysnow at 4:46 PM
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