Wednesday, April 30, 2003

arrrghh....i've been so tired for the past few days i just couldn't get my self to write anything in here. the weekend must have done it. brians plans to travel to flagstaff was cancelled because his sister decided to spend the weekend with us. it was nice, but it was so tiring because i spent most of my time following them around while they went shopping. i did manage to get myself a costco card though. i've been wanting one of them cards for a very long time. i pay for cheap gas now! wooo hooo! yesterday, i paid for regular unleaded gas for $1.66 a gallon, while others pay around $1.90 a gallon. i got some other stuff too. i strolled out of costco with a shopping cart full of merchandise totaling 150.00 bucks. sheesh, did i splurge?

i changed my wireless service from qwest to verizon wireless on saturday. the reason i changed my service is because qwest has sucky coverage. i like to travel back to the reservation sometimes and once i pass flagstaff my phone goes into roaming. i had my wireless phone service with qwest for about 5 years. i think the only reason why i stayed with qwest that long is because they kept my home phone, wireless, and dsl charges all on one bill. i really like my new phone and hopefully i dont' have to get another for a very long time.