Tuesday, November 19, 2002

i need a few more gifts to look for. i think i have 3 left on my list. i still don't know what to get brian for christmas. i'm torn between his wish for tools (bleh, only men would want that kind of stuff) or a leather jacket. i really don't want to get him tools for christmas, but he keeps hinting around that he wants tools. then again, i saw this really nice leather jacket. i know it is something that he would definitely like, but the tag is a bit too pricey. i might have to do something drastic and charge the damn thing. i hate getting things on credit. i will have to see until december. i don't want to get his christmas gift early because last year he decided to open his birthday gift behind my back. i was dissappointed in him. i think i know why he decided to open his gift early though. i enticed him too much. i left his gift on the table two weeks before his birthday. i guess on that final week of his birthday he just said fuck it and carefully opened the gift. in the end, i of course found out. lol. its so funny to think about it now. i wanted it to be a surprise. his first ps2. lol. he doesn't play with it that much any more.

today, i went on a class trip to thunderbird samaritan hospital. wow. now, that is a hospital. patients are treated like kings and queens. they are so pampered. i would like to work there after i finish school. we toured the medical coding and billing department. gosh, i am so motivated again. for a couple of weeks i've been feeling really down and exhausted, but the tour today gave me some more motivation. I think after i graduate i might take a medical coding course at PCC so i can get certified. unless i study my ass off and pay the 280 dollars for the certification test. well, i guess all that will depend on whether i feel like i have to take another course. well, it's time to clock out...good nite y'all.