Tuesday, November 26, 2002

studying for my test.....studying for my test....studying for me test.......i'm here at work. i'm supposed to be working since i'm still on the clock, but i'm studying for my test........studying for my test. i've been reviewing the two chapters the test is going to be on, but everything i read isn't sticking. i hate when that happens. this stuff must be boring. i can usually remember the stuff if i read it more than once, but i've read it a million times and i still don't remember what the hell i read. i think i might know what the problem is. i'm so excited to head out of this place. i miss the fresh, crisp, air, blue skies, and mountains. tomorrow all i have is class and i will be off from work until monday. we will be leaving late wedesday night. i told brian to ask his boss if he could leave early wednesday night, but his boss told him that if he left early he would not get his holiday pay for thursday and friday. that really sucks. now if he would have stayed on the day shift this wouldn't have been a problem. oh well, i shouldn't be bitching at least we will finally get out of phoenix for a change.

Today, at school they were passing out our awards. they had a little student appreciation deal this afternoon. they supplied us with hotdogs, chips, and cake. that was thoughtful of the school. finally, they do something to appreciate us. anyway, i got my award certificates. i got one for attendance and the other award was for making the president's list with a 4.0 GPA. I felt really good receiving the certificates even though they may be just pieces of paper. deep down i felt like i finally accomplished some thing in my life. i wish i would have done this earlier in my life, but i shouldn't be complaining because it's good that i'm doing it now than not at all. now my goals will be to try and keep the 4.0, not to miss any school, graduate, get my certification as a medical coder, and then land a job that pays top dollar.