Thursday, November 21, 2002

I'm home today. i decided not to go to work today. i have to clear my mind of some things and to study for my test tomorrow. well, I had a big talk with the admissions representative at school today. she talked me into staying with my program. at first i was upset at the fact that they had fired my instructor. i liked her teaching methods and i definitely understood every thing she was teaching. i guess i was just mad at the fact that i've had 3 instructors since i started school about 2 1/2 months ago. the first instructor that i started out with was ditzy. her class was a joke and i eventually transferred out of there to the morning classes. i got situated and comfortable with the morning classes and then about 2 days ago the director of the school comes in and informs us that our instructor was fired. basicly her speech was short and to the point. it was mostly about how we shouldn't stir up any trouble or we will suffer the consequences. that speech from the director of the school made me feel threatened. it was like she was telling us to keep our comments and concerns to our selves and that we couldn't voice our opinion. fuck that. my tuition is close to $9,000 dollars and i definitely have the right to express my opinion on certain situations like this one.

anyway, i listened to some of the lecture today from the new instructor. he seems to know his stuff and hopefully he has extensive knowledge in medical coding because that is the only reason why I took the course. i am sticking to this and hopefully there will be no more negative situations like this again.