Friday, November 15, 2002

i'm at work. Blah. i decided to drag my lazy ass in today. i could have worked yesterday, but i was so damn tired. i couldn't get myself to go. i just wanted to sleep in all evening, but to my surprise, i just couldn't. i tried so hard to make myself go to sleep. i even took some sleeping pills. it didn't work at all. i guess my body got used to staying awake for long hours at a time.

i heard a little while ago that there is some bad shit gonna be happening tomorrow regarding work. see, we bought software program from this particular company and well, we just found out that the software that we have been using for the past 5 months was not doing it's job. it is bugged. you know the bug that is in men in black at the end of the movie. it's as big as that. gosh, i'm thinking about all the clients we have been working with. all this time, we just didn't know. stupid software. this software is a big database, it holds a bunch of files, and well it's been giving clients wrong information. we have been giving clients wrong information since june. now i see why we haven't been landing new clients because of the fucking software. i hear there is going to be a humungous law suit. my boss is coming in from texas first thing saturday morning. i can't wait to see what this will entail.....