Wednesday, November 06, 2002

listening to: pink "family portrait"

Oh dear me. The life of a very tired woman. That is me. Soo, soooooo, sooooooooo tired. Woe is me. Sheeeeeit. Well, I finished my dang essay (due on monday) and my report (due next friday, not this friday, but the next). Am I freaking great or what? Here I was bitching about how much homework she assigned. I stress my self out for no reason.

I am such a retard. I think I need to get me like a big dry erase board for my room. Yesterday, I found out that I forgot to pay the phone bill again! I even wrote myself like a note of all the bills. I made a sticky note to my self to remember to cross out all the bills that I paid. That shit didn't work. If it did, I wouldn't have forgot to pay the phone bill. This happened two times now. Two months in a row. They sent me a disconnect notice. I am surprised they didn't turn my cell phone off again. Last month when I forgot to pay for the phone bill they turned off my cell phone, but left my internet and home phone on. I thought that was dumb. Oh well, I guess the shit has got to hit the fan sometimes....

Oh goodie, I'm counting down the days for Thanksgiving. Woo hooo. I get that Thursday and Friday off from school. Unfortunately, I will still have work, but who the hell cares. At least my days will not be like 13 hr days for those two days. Then I have Christmas break. A whole week. I'm counting the days. The months seem to rolling by before my eyes...wonderful!