my gosh, i'm finally back in front of my computer. lately, i haven't been in the mood to sit in front of a computer, so i gave myself a long break. i have to catch up on my daily reads and see how every one is doing.
well, christmas came and went. it seems like i traveled all over the rez during the christmas break. my destination point on the rez was fort defiance and kayenta, but most of the time i ended up in gallup driving around my family and buying all kinds of stuff to spoil the hell out of them. i had so much fun though, it was a much needed break!
for my gifts, i loved each and every gift i received. i got a beautiful black leather purse with a hint of the navajo pendelton design, a coin purse with the same pendelton design to match the purse, a storyteller bracelet, jewelry box, a diamond necklace, and a gift card from target. so many wonderful gifts........
i hope y'all had a wonderful christmas like i did......happy new year y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
posted by: mistysnow at 5:48 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2003
I went to my christmas party on friday. it was different, but i can tell ya i had some FUN. Frank, the office manager, did something different this year. he decided that we would have a christmas party casino style. we had every thing! it was just like a casino, we had the slot machines and the crap tables. it was so much fun. we were given some play money and we were to win as much play money as we could, so in the end we could bid on prizes at the end of the night. i got a bit tipsy that night and even found my self at another bar after the christmas party. i will never do this again. drinking is not my thang, and i woke up with a really bad headache the next morning. anyway, i posted some of those christmas pics up if you would like to see, check out the "christmas 2003" pics under my photos section.
posted by: mistysnow at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
there are just some days when i just feel sooooo overwhelmed. today's one them days. i was on the phone practically all day. it was just non stop ringing all fucking day. i was about to throw my phone out the window. that is the worst part of my job that i absolutely hate. i hate answering the phones and i hate scheduling intake appointments. actually, scheduling appointments isn't really in my job description, i'm the back up person when the lady who supposed to do them isn't at work, and today she wasn't there. how do they expect me to do my job if i have to sit there with the receiver attached to my head for most of the day?
the worst part about taking those intake appointments is hearing what the client's presenting problems are. i tell ya, there's some fucked up people in this world and i just don't understand how some people can live with themselves when they do awful things to children. i really don't feel sorry for those parents that do these things to their own children. they shouldn't be having children in the first place. all i hafta say is that they will be judged in the end...that's all i have to say about that.
anyway, i'm sitting here at home, checking email, and listening to some music (i just can't get tired of listening to coldplay "the scientist"). there's not much going on right now, but i will soon be watching me some tv. tonight the 'simple life' is showing and that is a definite must see for me. good nite y'all.
posted by: mistysnow at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2003
awwww, don't my babies look cute? they can do the darndest things that will absolutely melt my heart. especially, the older cat. she can just look at me with her huge eyeballs and i can just melt. she's been with me for a little over 2 years now. if i hadn't taken her from kayenta, she would have been a rez cat, living outside, bony, eaten by dogs, wolves, coyotes, or run over by some rez truck. geez, when we got her, she was the ugliest little kitten, but as the years went by she just blossomed into a beautiful cat. she's my baby, i really can't imagine not having her around.
the little cat, zoey, has been with us for almost a year. she is the the daring one. she will do the craziest things and she always thinks she can get away it. she reminds me of a little puppy. i discovered the other day, while i was watching tv, that zoey could fetch. she has this small, dirty, stuffed panda head that she likes to carry around in her mouth. she plays with that head all the time. *cough* *cough* that's brian's cat. she sucks up to him......
i also want to thank chris for sending me the beautiful christmas card and photo...thanks bunches!!!!
posted by: mistysnow at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2003
i see that some peeps received their christmas cards in the mail. that is good to hear, it sure does sound like christmas is in the air.......
my dilapidated christmas tree. my cat had the time of her life knocking it over today and taking the christmas bulbs off the tree.....
posted by: mistysnow at 10:04 PM 0 comments
gosh.......(long sigh)......(yawn).....i'm so tiiiirrrred. this week is a real burn out. the only good thing is that i have my co-worker from my other job working with me now. i've been dragging myself to work lately. my whole body is aching and i constantly have a headache. i have the one that feels like the throbbing is in the back of your eyeball.
last night i was going to post a picture of my christmas tree, but my battery in my camera died, so maybe i will do it tonight. brian and i have an aritificial tree that is about 4-6 feet high. we decided to take the tree out of storage and decorate it after thanksgiving. so far, my little cat, zoey, has just about knocked off most of the ornaments. every now and then, you will either step on one or kick one. i swear, even though you try and get after that cat, she seems to never want to listen. i know she understands me when i get mad at her cause she will look at me, meow, and then scurry away with her tail between her legs.
anyway, i just wanted to thank kathy for sending me a christmas card. i actually got it like 2 days ago. it was cool to see real handwriting instead of fonts from the computer. thanks, kathy!
posted by: mistysnow at 5:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 08, 2003
gosh, i spent my weekend mostly looking for brian's gift. on saturday and sunday, i drove to best buy, fry's electronics, ultimate electronics, circuit city, and then to best buy again. i finally made my decision on buying this at best buy. what is really cool about this cd player is that you can upload images to it using your computer. i thought that was something neat that brian can play around with. it was a hard decision, i don't know anything about car stereos, and i don't know what the hell is needed to get a car stereo, so i was there at most of the stores asking a lot of questions. i was going to get this, but it didn't have a detachable face plate. it would have been cool if it had a detachable face plate because best buy was going to match ultimate electonic's price. anyway, i didn't get the sony because i knew if i were to get that, then i might as well put a sign on brian's truck that says something like, 'go ahead and steal the cd player'. it's stupid that people just break into vehicles just to steal petty little things. about a month ago some thief broke into my car, and stole my whole collection of cds that i ever owned. at first, i was mad, but then again, i thought shit, they could have the damn thing, they seem to be so fucking desperate to steal some damn cds.
somehow during my search to find brian's gift, brian and i managed to fit in some time to watch a movie. we watched the last samurai. the movie was awesome. i loved every minute of it. it was kind of neat that the movie theatre wasn't packed. the night that we went to go watch the movie, they were having the aps electric light parade on central, so i guess every one was busy watching that, because after we got out of the movie there was a whole shit load of people in line to buy tickets. that was my weekend, spent a lot of time driving, watching movies, and i even had some time to wrap a few gifts.
posted by: mistysnow at 6:19 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
i had a good thanksgiving day. it was hotter than hell out here. i think we reached the low 80's here on thanksgiving day. i had to open all the windows to let in some of the breeze from outside. it got pretty hot in the apartment from the oven being on. i cooked all by myself too. brian was too busy playing his playstation game. we ate our thanksgiving feast around 3pm that day. at around 4pm i was completely stuffed!
i really can't wait until tonight. i love that show called 'OC'. i swear that show can be so addicting. it's like every week i wait in anticipation for that show. i've been watching it ever since the show first aired. i even got brian watching it with me!
i also watched that show 'the simple life'. that show is FUNNY. i can't wait to watch the other episodes. now i look forward to watching tv on tuesday and wednesday nights. tuesday the simple life shows and on wednesday OC shows....see what i have to resort to for entertainment when most of my time is spent at work!
i'm countin' the days till christmas is finally here. i can't wait to see my brother's faces when they open their christmas presents. i need to see if i can get me a ham from the honey baked ham company. I probably have to cook christmas dinner. i'm not sure what the menu will be, but there will definately be some ham.
posted by: mistysnow at 6:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
its is official, my co-worker, at my other job is going to begin working with me. for some reason, i feel like this dark cloud that was around me is now gone. i've been working with my co-worker for a little over 5 years. the good thing about it is that her and i are going to be the only people in that office.
brian and i are still going to stay in town this thanksgiving. i decided i'm still going to cook. i've cooked almost every year, and this year, hopefully, won't be any different. i've got all the fixings: pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, fruit salad, my famous mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes w/ marshallows, fresh baked rolls, and of course we can't forget the main course, the turkey! yes, all that for brian i to eat. we are going to have 4 days off, so we will definately have turkey every day.
posted by: mistysnow at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2003
i went to go see that movie gothica. i thought it was good in a sick kind of way. brian and i just got back from the movies. it's colder than hell out there. what in the world is going on? it was like in the mid 80's about 3 days ago and now it's COLD. i heard it's going to be in the 60's next week. i'm sorta looking forward to it though. we need it to rain and be cold here too. i get tired of all that heat, especially since they turned the air conditioner off for the winter.
today, i actually talked to my mother. she actually decided to call me. it was a big surprise for me. she never calls me. i was the one to always call her. i think i just stopped calling because i was tired of being the person trying to contact her all the time. she must have missed me. it's probably been 7 months since i last talked to her. she still sounds the same. i could hear in her voice that she had missed me. anyway, the conversation with her ended with her saying that she was going to call her sister in korea. i cannot imagine how her sister (my aunt) looks. i've never met any of my mother's side of the family because they are all from korea. i wasn't born in korea nor have i ever been to korea. i just wish sometimes though that i was. maybe my life would have turned out differently. i may never know.
posted by: mistysnow at 12:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2003
it's friday! it's friday! it's friday! next week i only work for three days and i will be off on thursday and friday. i'm debating on whether i should work at the other job, since i would have so much time on my hands. i don't know, i guess i will just have to wait and see when the time comes.......anyway, it's friday! it's friday! it's friday. i hope you all have a nice weekend!
posted by: mistysnow at 6:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2003
i'm not going home for thanksgiving. i feel really bad for not going. brian and i were planning on having thanksgiving dinner with his sister out here in phoenix, but i guess plans changed. she has decided that she is going to go home to tuba city and celebrate with her parents. i guess it will be just brian and i for thanksgiving. i think thanksgiving this year will definitely be different......we might just end up eating dinner at some restaraunt in town, although, we do have a turkey sitting in the freezer. i don't know, we'll see....these days i just go with the flow. i try and not plan anything anymore because plans always change.
yesterday we had an employee appreciation day at the new job that i have. i tell ya, i was really surprised with what they gave me. yesterday they were giving out envelopes at our little function and lo and behold, i open the envelope and find a little note telling me that i will receive a $150.00 incentive check. i about cried. i've only been at that place for a little over 2 months and i already receive an incentive check. i know i was getting praises at the new job, but i didn't know i was doing that good. hmmm...maybe this job might turn out all right after all. i'm trying to get one of my other co-workers to come work with me, my boss is probably going to call her today to set up an interview with her. i hope they like her and want to hire her on. if she gets hired, she would be working in the office with me.
posted by: mistysnow at 5:46 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2003
such a dilemma.......why can't i find some decent black shoes. The stores now a days sell some ugly ass granny shoes. i don't like the style of shoes they have out now. during the summer i practically wear slippers and sandals, but when it comes time for winter, i of course, have to go back to wearing shoes. yeserday, i was going from store to store trying to look for some black shoes, but all i could find are those weird ass shoes. i don't know, i'm just not into that style. it reminds me of my grandma's sheep herding clogs. i'm going to go out today and look for some decent shoes. do you guys or gals have the same problem as i do, or is it just me?
posted by: mistysnow at 7:40 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
i'm just about done with my christmas shopping. i always start in october. i hate procrastinating on things, so i always start early. i need to get a gift certificate for my brother and brian's present. I'm not sure what to get brian yet, i have some gifts in mind, but i'm not sure what to choose out of my list of things i want to get him. i like to try and get gifts that people will actually use.
i think i have my mind set on getting him a cd player for his truck. the truck that he has now came with the manufactured stereo system, tape deck and all. it sounds pretty trashy too. the only dilemma that i have is that i don't know what is good and what he would like. brian is kind of picky about his electronic and tool stuff. i hate to ask him about what he likes about stereo systems because it will definitely give away the surprise. i just love to see people's faces light up when they open gifts. i will just have to go with my instinct and hope that he likes what i get him. if not, tough shit.
well, work is the same. i still hate it with a passion. the lady that i work with decided to take a whole fucking week off, so i'm stuck to fend for myself. i feel like such a helpless puppy in that office. i wish she would show me how to do things thoroughly. the other day she showed me how to check and see if people are qualified for ACHHHS, but she didn't show me all the steps and so i did my job half ass. i will have to wait until she gets back to show me the rest of the steps. nobody in that damn building knows how to do it, so the paper work has to sit there on her desk until she gets back. i swear, if i stay there for a year or more than a year, please, please shoot me. i need to hurry up and get my job experience and get the hell out of that place. i'm so unhappy there and cannot see my self working there over a year.
posted by: mistysnow at 7:10 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 07, 2003
yay! another week down......this week went by faster than last week. i am so glad that it is friday. the weekend is my time to sit down and relax and get caught up on things that i've missed during the week.
nothing too exciting has been going on my life.....this is my routine m-f:
1. get up at 3:30am.
2. take a shower.
3. get dressed.
4. play/feed cats.
5. leave at 4:15am
6. clock in at work
7. read email/surf internet
8. work a bit
9. go to breakfast (7:00am)
10. 7:45am come back from breakfast
11. work a bit more.
12. surf a bit more.
13. clock out at 8:30am
14. go to the parking garage, get in car, and drive to second job.
15. clock in at 8:30am at second job.
16. start working and be bored out of my mind until 5pm.
17. clock out at 5pm.
18. get in car and fight traffic.
19. get home.
20. change into jammies.
22. eat dinner.
21. watch a little tv.
22. get ready for bed.
23. set alarm for 3:30am
this is my routine during the weekday. what an exciting life i have.
posted by: mistysnow at 7:51 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
my halloween night was spent indoors watching the discovery health channel. I was watching a gastric bypass being done. it was interesting to watch. i didn't get any kids knocking on my door for halloween. besides, i didn't have candy for them anyway. i didn't have time to stop by the store to get any. If any came to the door i was thinking of giving them some pencils, canned food, or something. heh. i wasn't in the mood to do any thing, so i just vegged out on the sofa.
on saturday, i went to watch the chainsaw massacre. i was frightened most of the time. i had to cover my eyes or look away during some parts of the movie because i was too afraid to see what was gonna happen. i didn't like that the theatre was packed to capacity, but i did enjoy the movie. brian's half sister was in town for her track meet so we swiped her away from her coach and team for a couple of hours to spend some time with her. dang, we saw her like almost a year ago and she's a woman now! it's amazing how people can transform so quickly...heh.
i'm beginning to really hate my new job. i found out yesterday that the lady i work with is going to be taking another position within the company. she's gonna be the clinical director's assistant. the clinical director is our boss and the lady i work with is buddy buddy with the boss. i feel like i'm back in the same situation i was at when i was working full time at the other job. i'm still in the process of job hunting. i just can't see my self working there for more than a year. why is my life so complex? why can't it just run smoothly for once, dang!
posted by: mistysnow at 6:24 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 31, 2003
friday is finally here. i thought i was gonna give up on thursday. it never fails, i always get burnt out by the time thursday rolls around. i have to work two jobs though, the more you make, the more bills you have, that's all i hafta say.......i totally forgot today was halloween. i saw somebody walking around outside in a frankenstein costume and a man dressed as a clown driving on his way to work early this morning.
nothing too exciting going in my life right now. everything is totally the same, months and years can pass, and things will always remain the same. i don't go out anymore, i dont' see my friends much anymore, i don't do anything. PERIOD! i basically don't have a life, my time is devoted to work. i hate the word, but i know that i have to work in order to live a normal life.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN Y'ALL! don't eat too much candy cause your teeth is gonna rot. heh.
posted by: mistysnow at 6:46 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2003
its been a long time......i'm still hurting from my visit to the oral surgeon. i could still feel the stitches in the back of my mouth and eating is the most painful experience at this point in my life. on the third day after my surgery, i decided to eat some spagetti, i just couldn't chew! it took me almost 3 hours to eat spaghetti.
this past weekend i went to kayenta because brian and i decided we needed to get the hell out of phoenix. i was still in pain from the surgery and i was drugged half the time while i was in kayenta. i did have a great time though. on saturday, we spent half day at brian's grandmother's house. we got there just in time because they were in the process of butchering a sheep. its been a long time since i last watched a butchering. it was quite an experience. at first i was disgusted and felt so bad for watching it, but then i started to think about it, and i was thinking to myself that i shouldn't be thinking that way because most of my ancestors hunted for food and this is the way people survived back in the days.
we brought brian's neices and nephews with us on that long journey to his grandmother's house. his grandmother lives about 30 miles off the highway. you have to have truck to get up to that place because the terrain is rough. there's rocks every where, winding roads, and there's even times when the road crosses throught small streams. you can run into a lot of wildlife while you are on that journey. it takes about an hour to get there, but it doesn't seem that long when there is so much to see. the view from the mountains can be so breath taking and the is well worth it.
on the way back to phoenix brian and i stopped at a food stand to get our fix. i had me some corn stew and fry bread. it's my favorite. brian had his usual mutton sandwich. we sat at that food stand for a long time, brian even striked up a conversation with the old lady that was cooking the food. brian speaks fluent navajo. i don't speak it at all. i just understand some of it. it's funny that i don't speak navajo because i grew up with my family speaking navajo/english. i should have picked up the language, but for some reason i just didn't. i don't know, maybe i just didn't want to learn. i regret it to this day though. someday though, i will learn to speak it fluently.
well, i have to get ready to go to my second job. hopefully, you understand what the heck i wrote because this took me 5 minutes to type.
posted by: mistysnow at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2003
what a horrible, horrible, experience! i tell ya, i was scared. i made my entrance into that little room yesterday and i just remember thinking that i should go pee, but then i didn't want to leave the room because i felt that i probably would have left the building instead of going to the restroom. i was seated immediately when i entered the room. the room was small, and the whole room was decorated with paintings. my eyes were fixated on a particular painting while i sat on that chair. the painting was an oil painting and it had 3 women standing. it looked like they were laughing, but then again they looked pretty old, you couldn't really tell what the painting was because paint was just splashed all over the place. i sat there for about 15 minutes staring at that painting when the doctor walked into the room. he immediately told his assistant to strap me down. i'm kidding. she didn't strap me down, but it was interesting to see these straps that were under a table across the way from me. i sat there wondering if they would have to use those things on me. anyway, after the assistant prepped me the doctor turned on his working lamp. it was huge. i couldn't even open my eyes because that light was so bright. i wanted to watch every thing he was gonna use, but i couldn't even squint to see. i did catch a glimpse of how long that freaking needle was though. he probably shot me up about 4 times on each side of the mouth. i hate them shots. it hurt so much, it actually brought tears to my eyes. he finished and told me to hold tight and then he left the room. they usually give the novacaine some time to take it's effect. i really didn't know what to expect at this point, so i just sat there. my legs were shaking and i could feel my cheeks and lips getting numb. i probably sat there for about 10 mintues and finally the doctor came in and he asked me if i was numb yet. i said 'yes' and he prepped himself to work on me. dang, i swear, i am so glad i'm finally over this, and i will never, ever, have to do any kind of shit like this again. it is the worst pain i've ever felt in the world. actually, i hear giving birth is the worst pain in the world, but i don't know that yet, so this is probably the worst freaking pain i've ever felt. he started to work on my bottom left impacted wisdom tooth. that sucker wasn't even sticking out. it was some where underneath my gums, but he magically found it. all i remember is the doctor telling me that there was going to be a lot of pressure and jerking. he was right. my face was being pulled every which way, and i could hear him cracking my tooth. i guess when he cracked my tooth, i felt the sharpest pain. i immediately alerted him that i could feel it. he pulled out that needle again, and shot me up with some more novacaine. that shit was fucked up. i was feeling every thing he was doing. especially when he stuck that fucking needle where i could feel the pain. i was pretty pissed off, scared, and i wanted to knock that doctor on the side of the head for making me feel that pain. they took out 3 impacted wisdom teeth yesterday. i don't ever wanna go through that again. i bled all freaking day from where he sliced and dug for them teeth. i have stitches in my mouth now, and it's a freaking bitch trying to swallow, let alone trying to eat. my whole face is swollen. yesterday they gave me some codeine tablets. i took 2 of them suckers. that shit didn't work at all. they also gave me 400mg tablets of ibuprofen. i took one of those with those codeine tablets and finally the pain subsided. the pain afterward is the hardest to deal with. i coudn't even lay down yesterday. i had to keep my head elevated because the bleeding just wouldn't stop. hmmm...the description of the pain i felt yesterday: IT'S TEN TIMES WORSE THAN A ROTTEN TOOTH!!!
posted by: mistysnow at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
i'm so scared! i have an appointment today with the oral surgeon to get the rest of my wisdom teeth surgically removed. i really don't know what to expect. i'd rather sit in my soiled underwear than be at that appointment today.
i have about 15 more minutes until i have to take a hop and a skip to my other job. i really don't want to be there today because i'm so behind. i've noticed that toward the end of each month it is like that. i still say this job isn't just for one person, it's like for 3 people. i know, i complain too much, but i deserve to complain.
ok, gotta go. i work up until 12 today and then i'm off to the hopsital to be scared shitless.
posted by: mistysnow at 8:15 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
i was watching vh1 the other day and i saw a preview about a show called "I love the 80s strikes back". i think that it's cool because i grew up in the 80's. when i think of the 80s, i think of:
-cabbage patch kids
-kangaROOS (those shoes with pockets that we got from tribal clothes;)
-scratch and sniff stickers
-rainbow bright
-neon colored clothing and accessories
-parachute pants
-the goonies
-"you can't do that on television" a show that aired on nickelodeon
-garbage pail kids
-pac man
-banana seat bikes
-rubik's cube
-ronald reagan
-girl's rolling up their pants and having multi-layered and multi-colored socks
-break dancing
-halley's comet
these are a just a few that come to mind at the moment. i do try and collect/find things from the 80's though. just last month i found some cabbage patch figurines from 1984. if you can remember other things that i didn't list, then enlighten me....
posted by: mistysnow at 5:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 20, 2003
it's been a long time....... my life at this point has been one big whirl wind. I'm always exhausted, and because i'm so exhausted, i just don't want to do anything during the week. it's just work, work, work, and more work. the weekends are so precious to me. i spend most of my weekends in the living room, you can find me laying on the couch with a remote in one hand. ahhhhh, i wish i t were the weekend starting all over again.
i'm here at work. there's actually no one here and it's a bit eerie. my cousin is usually here before me, but for some reason she isn't here today. i doubt she's gonna come in any time soon because she wouldn't want to spend the rest of the day with the bastards from the other department. well, we'll see if anybody else in my department comes in, if not, i will just have to eat breakfast by my self.
una limonada por favor
posted by: mistysnow at 5:56 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
just been really busy. i've been neglecting, i know, i know. i finally got the time to load some of the pics from the WR parade in september. you can find it in the photos section.
posted by: mistysnow at 6:52 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
i've just been so busy these days. i work about 13 hour days and sometimes i forget to eat. i had to actually buy a little calendar/planner over the weekend because a couple of weeks ago i completely forgot to pay some bills. i don't know how i can let important stuff like that slip my mind, but like i said before, i'm just too busy these days.
i'm not sure if i want to go home this weekend. my dad's birthday is on saturday. he is turning 51. i ran out of birthday gifts to give him. my dad jogs a lot, and i remember a couple of birthdays ago, i bought him running shoes. i'm not really sure what to get for him this time. it's hard to get gifts for men. oh well, i'm still thinking about it. i have until this evening to make up mind, if i don't go, then i will probably send him a check and a birthday card. i am sure i will be apologizing and giving him excuses of why i won't be coming down. i feel so guilty for some reason. i'm just too tired these days to make a trip down that way. my weekends are very precious to me and i don't want to spend my weekend sitting in a vehicle driving down desolate roads.
i got into an argument with my neighbor down stairs. he is the neighbor from hell. i don't remember what day it was, but i know it was in the evening when that filth of a man came up stairs and banged on my door. i of course, answered the door and the first words out of his mouth was "what the fuck was all the banging last night?". i was appalled by the words he used at first, but the raving bitch in me decided to tell him off. i mean i was mad. my mouth was spittin' out the filthiest words one has ever heard. he got me started, i tell ya.....i just remember when i was done he was scared. there's something mentally wrong with that man. i just told him to mind his own business and to stay out of our lives. there's been a lot of shit that has happened with that man since he's moved in and i just don't want to talk about it right now because it will just piss me off. the bad thing about this whole situation is that i signed another year lease and i have to live next to this shit head for another year. dang!
posted by: mistysnow at 8:13 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 03, 2003
i'm probably at the shittiest i've ever felt in a long time. when will all this drama go away? let me give you a run down of shit that has happened to me so far:
1. brian got into an accident
2. because of the accident the insurance will go up.
3. the cost of fixing the truck was a total of $5700.
4. we already had to take the truck back because they overlooked a part that should have been replaced.
5. the air conditioner in the truck isn't running like it used to.
6. my apartment kitchen and half the dining room got flooded from the kitchen sink.
7. some desperate, bastard m*fucker, decided to break into my car and steal my whole collection of cds.
8. work is just so overwhelming for me right now.
dang, what next? it's like nowadays i'm always expecting the worst, like something bad is gonna happen. i'm afraid to even answer my phone because i always think its gonna be bad news. hopefully, this is the last of it. september was a really bad month for me.
posted by: mistysnow at 5:04 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 29, 2003
dang, the weekend never seems to last long. i can't wait until i can accumulate some vacation time at this new job. this will be the beginning of my fourth week at this job. i don't know if i like it any more. there's too much work! you have to be a really multi-tasked person to be working at this job. i have so many things to do during the day. my day starts with filing charts, making new charts, pulling charts for the psychiatrist, taking referrals over the phone, mailing requests for medical record information to those who are requesting information, a lot of data entry, and soon i will have to do transcription. i don't know how i'm going to fit the transcription in during the day. there's too much for me to do and i always feel lost. the only good thing is that the time goes by fast during the day because i'm so busy. i tried referring my cousin to the place, but they said that they don't think they can fit another person in because of budget issues. oh well, at least i tried. it would have been cool if i could get her on working with me, then maybe i can catch up on a lot of things.
i was supposed to watch the 'under world' this weekend, but plans changed and we ended doing other shit that needed to be done during the week. i don't have time do anything during the week, so my weekends are devoted to shit that needed to be done over the week. geez, i can't imagine having a kid, because that poor thing would never see me. i will eventually get to where i want to be though. i have so many dreams that i need to accomplish and so far i've tackled a couple, and the way things are going i should be there in a couple of years....*sigh*
anyway, how's y'all doin'? hope your weekend was great!
posted by: mistysnow at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2003
Monday, September 22, 2003
well, i didn't do much over the weekend. on saturday, brian had his driving school that he had to go to. so, that gave me the opportunity to hang out with my bestest friend in the world, emily. it was really nice hanging out with her. it's been so long, actually, i think its been years since we just hung out like that. the last time i saw her, we planned to eat out at denny's. that was probably about 3 months ago. for those few hours that we hung out, it was like i forgot all my worries, especially, the things i stress about. i think i should do this more often.
i'm not sure when we will be getting the truck back. brian said on friday it would be sometimes between monday through wednesday, but then he called me back later and said that we might get it back on friday. i can't wait until we get that truck back. since the accident, i've been getting up at 5am just to drop him off at work. i don't even start my job until 8am. so it can be such a bitch getting up in the morning, having to drop him off, and then coming back to sleep for about an hour or so, and then get up to go to my job. yeah, it's been tiresome, but some how i make it.
i didn't get to upload my pictures over the weekend. i was so damn lazy. i swear, on sunday i laid on the living room couch all day. i watched a couple of movies on lifetime and for the rest of the day i was falling in and out of sleep. that was the laziest sunday i've had since i don't know when. i wish i had more days like that. i feel like being lazy right now.....i'm at my second job and i just feel like leaving so i can kick off my shoes, wear my jammies, and veg out in front of the tv the rest of the evening. arggghh...calgon take me away...
posted by: mistysnow at 5:37 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2003
this was forwarded to me and i thought it was hilarious!
First Name:___________________________ Last Name(check one):
( ) Atcitty ( ) Begay ( )Begaye ( ) Benally ( ) Nez ( ) Yazzie
Age:____(if unsure, please guess)
Shoe Size:______Left______Right Tribal Clothing Jacket Size:________
( )Spring Sheepherder ( )Summer Sheepherder ( )Fall Sheepherder
( )Winter Sheepherder ( )Unemployed ( )Dirty politician ( ) Slut ( ) Man _hore
Spouse's Name:________________ 2nd Spouse's Name:______________
3rd Spouse's Name:_____________ 4th Spouse's Name:_____________
Relationship with spouse:
( )Best friend's wife ( )Best friend's sister ( )Don't remember
( )It just happened ( )Which one.... Lover's Name:___________ 2nd Lover's Name:___________
Number of children living in household:_____ Number of children living in shed:________ Number of children living with their mothers:________ Number of children that are yours:_________
Mother's Name:________ Father's Name:_________ (if not sure, leave blank)
Education: 1st; 2nd; 3rd; 4th (Circle highest grade completed) Do you ( )own or ( )rent your mobile home?
(Check the appropriate box below) ___Total number of vehicles you own ___Number of vehicles that still crank ___Number of vehicles in front yard ___Number of vehicles in back yard ___Number of vehicles on cement blocks ___Number of vehicles with a water tank
Firearms you own and where you keep them: ___truck ___bedroom ___outhouse ___kitchen ___shed
Model and year of your pick-up:___________ 194__ Do you have a gun rack?
( )Yes ( ) No If no, please explain on separate page:
Newspapers/magazines you subscribe to:
( ) Navajo Times ( ) Gallup Independent ( ) Navajo/Hopi Observer
( ) Beautiful Buckle Bunnies ( ) INFR ( ) Squaw Dance Times
Number of times you've seen a Navajo Nation president? _____ Number of times you've seen a NN president with a woman? _____ Number of times you've seen a NN president with numerous women? _____
How often do you bathe: (if no running water,you may still respond)
( )weekly ( )Monthly ( )Not Applicable
Color of teeth:
( )Yellow ( )Brownish-yellow ( )Brown ( )Black ( )Not Applicable
Brand of alcohol you prefer: ( )T-Bird ( )G-D ( )40 oz. ( )Ocean
How far is your home from a paved road?
( )100 miles ( )200 miles ( )don't know
How many dogs do you own? ( )1-3 ( )4-8 ( ) 9-12 ( ) can't count higher than that
Average number of trips to Gallup in one month_________
Do you go to the Shalamar while visiting Gallup? ( )Yes ( ) No If no, please explain on separate sheet
Number of passengers you carry in the back of your pick-up
( )1-2 ( ) 3-4 ( )Traveling to Navajo Nation Fair (unlimited)
Can you read and speak good English ( )yes ( ) no ( )broken
Do you drink and drive after each Chapter house meeting?
( ) once in a while ( ) sometimes ( )everytime
Is your vehicle parked at a side-of-the-road jewelry stand?
( ) yes ( ) no ( ) I don't know how to make jewelry (provide CIB)
Do you listen to Vincent Craig while traveling? ( ) yes ( ) no Are you just somehow? ( ) yes ( ) no ( ) sometimes ( ) all the time
Please provide current photo from NNPD and current Gathering of Nations bumper sticker for proper registration and $10.00 or two sheeps for two year licenses.
posted by: mistysnow at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
today i came into work and this is what i found posted on my computer.....
{insert my name}, anxious about her work status as "stockfloor specialist" suffers from Employee Denial, and can ignore or sometimes act like she's forgotten that she's a WalMart employee. She as a been a strong member of our team for over 18 years and this distinction of Employee of the month will not overlook her contributions. So, if you happen to run into {insert my name}, take a moment and ask her to find something for you. Chances are, she'll deny being an employee, but will have the answer you're looking for, and deep down inside, she'll be glad you asked! Congratulations, {insert my name}.....and thanks for all your hard work!
then they decided to post a pic of me in a surprised expression, a badge that says...{insert my name} WAL*MART always low prices and then at the bottom it says How Can I help You? i couldn't start laughing when i saw it. those bastards...see how they treat me.
anyway, seems as though this month is a month of bad luck for every one that i know. brian's sister lost her job, brian got into an accident, brian's other dysfunctional sister got thrown in jail for a warrant she had out for her ass. dang, what is going on?
i took pictures while i was out at window rock. i haven't got the time to upload them to my computer at home. maybe this weekend when i have time...
posted by: mistysnow at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2003
i'm tired. it's only monday, dang. i'm barely getting over the sickness i caught from the rez. somebody was spreading their disease while i was at the parade and now all i have left of my cold is an awful mucous sounding cough. brian keeps getting mad at me. he tells me to spit it out. the other morning i tried to spit out the window....i couldn't do it. i'm not a pro like brian. he even knows how to do the spitting your spit through your teeth kind of thing. i usually see people who chew skoal that do that...anyway, after i spit out the window i soon realized my spit had plastered on the back window. eww, gross. i couldn't even look at my own spit without gagging. it was pretty gross....
well, work is swell! they're planning on making me do some trancription work. they were talking about having me transcribe psychiatric evaluations. some of the records that i come upon during my day at work is really sad. sometimes, it's hard to read some of the progress notes. i just don't understand why people can do stuff to their own children. their own flesh and blood. this world is gonna end soon if this shit keeps happening like this.
posted by: mistysnow at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2003
well, what can i say? i'm as sick as a dog. i have a stuffy nose, dry cough, and very achy muscles/joints. i also found out that i have a bunch of mosquito bites on my legs. dumb ass me was wandering around outside my dad's house with shorts on. dang, those mosquito bites can be so irritating. i'm trying not to scratch, but it's not working. i really need to dig around in my cabinets to look for some of that calladryl.
well, work is just work. for the first two days i've had bad thoughts in my head. i actually thought about quitting on the second day. it's a totally new experience for me. i think i'm traumitized and i miss my best friends from my other job. i've worked with those girls for almost 7 years. i just need to some how make myself realize that i won't be working with them any more. it's just hard for me right now. i feel so lost at the moment. don't get me wrong though, i really like the job, it's just that i need to get adjusted to the new people and new surroundings.
wednesday i had to miss work. i called in around 5:45 that morning to tell them that brian got into an accident. it was right off the 1-17 and 1-10 interchange. a four vehicle accident. i am so fortunate that brian is ok, but the truck looked terrible! the truck was completely smashed on the right side. all i remember seeing was either the transmission fluid or the antifreeze leaking. we just bought that truck 4 months ago. oh well, the insurance will hopefully pay for it and all we have to pay is the deductible...anyway, that is alls i gots to say:) i've been so stressed, sick, and tired all at the same time i just dont feel like jumping on the computer any more. i hope y'all had a better week than i did.
posted by: mistysnow at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
oh my gosh....i don't know where to start. burnt is all i could tell ya. i've only been working two days like this and my new job is taking most of my energy. i started the new job on monday. i think i'm traumitized at the moment. it's a whole different work environment, definately! i just need to get my self adjusted to the new environment and of course a whole new career.
the weekend was fantastic! i had so much fun at home. i didn't set foot into the fair grounds though. i just didn't feel like it really. i think an argument with a woman earlier in the day spoiled it. i just watched the parade and went shopping at the flea market. i bought so much jewelry and i ate at pinky and ed's food stand. that's some good stuff.
i got back to phoenix on sunday and now i feel like shit. i caught a cold. i was so darn cold out there and dumb ass me brought a thin jacket back to the rez. i can't believe there was so much rain. a good change of weather. i just wish it would rain out here like it was raining on the rez.....well, i better get going ..i have a lot of work to do. i'm keeping my the job i had before as my seconday job and bumping it down to part-time. my hours for the next couple of months or years will be from 8am-4:30pm (full time) and 4:45-8:45pm (part-time).
posted by: mistysnow at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 04, 2003
leaving for the rez today. i can't wait! i hope it doesn't rain the whole time we are there. my dad said it's been raining constantly for the past couple of months. i better get ready...see ya.
posted by: mistysnow at 2:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
yesterday i was probably the most happiest girl in the world. i landed that job that i mentioned in an earlier post. i didn't want to give too much detail about the job i applied for because i didn't want to get myself so psyched about it and then later on find out that i wasn't considered.
anyway, the job is related to what i went to school for. i went through a long sacrifice for this and it seems to have all paid off. i start on monday, september 8th. i'm not too fond of my new hours, but i know i will eventually get used to it. i will be working for the largest, non-profit, child welfare and behavioral health organization in arizona. i have mixed emotions. i'm kinda scared, sad and excited all at the same time. i'm scared because i will be starting a new career, working with new people and a whole new working environment. i'm sad because i won't be seeing my co-workers much anymore. i asked if i can work here part-time, but it will probably in the evenings when my co-workers are already gone for the day and then i'm so excited because i can finally set my current job aside and have it be like my secondary, part-time, who gives a shit if don't come in on a certain day kind of job. i don't have to put up the boss' shit anymore. i honestly feel like sueing his ass, but it seems to me that there are hardly any labor and law attorneys. i don't know, i still want to keep that in the back of my mind. i honestly think that if we sued our boss we would definately win. he put us through a lot of shit that you just cannot imagine. sueing a person, let alone your boss, takes a lot of money.
posted by: mistysnow at 4:12 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 02, 2003
my weekend was boring. i didn't do much, really. on saturday, i had the unfortunate task of trying to look for a rim for my car. a while back, i hit a curb and dented one of my rims. Taking my car on the freeway is so annoying because i could feel a vibration when i'm driving 70 mph. i took it in to make sure it wasn't my alignment or wheel balance. my car has manufactured alloy rims. i was driving around south side on a saturday afternoon. i ended up on broadway where all the salvage yards were. i cannot believe there is only one place on that whole strip of junk that sold used rims! they told me that they had one in stock, but by the time they got back to me, they said that it was in white. so, i left and i called the car dealer and asked them how much it would cost for one of my rims. they told me $357 for one freaking rim. i almost had a heart attack. i wasn't going to buy one rim for $357 dollars so i drove my ass to a discount tire shop and bought me all 4 new rims for $328 dollars. i didn't want to spend that kind of money, but i know that i didn't want to drive back home with a bent rim either.
yesterday, on labor day, brian was sick to his stomach. i didn't realize he was that sick until he woke me up the second time that night. i guess through his sleepless night, he managed to take almost all the tums and drank most of the pepto bismal. i just thought he had a stomach ache or was constipated, but after the second time he woke me up, i took a really good look at him and noticed that he looked pale. i asked him what was wrong and he said that the lower part of his stomach was hurting, so i jumped out of bed and rushed him to the hospital. it was 2:00 in the morning when i rushed him out the door. i took him to the emergeny room and he was called right away. i was a nervous wreck. i didn't know what to expect and i didn't want anything to happen to brian. i probably waited 3 hrs and i finally asked the lady at the front desk what was going on with brian. she told me to knock on the door to ask the doctors. they told me i could go see him. i was shaking and i was so frightened to see him. as i walked down the hall i turned to my left and there he was. he was laying in a hospital gown with an iv in his arm. i asked him what was wrong, he didn't know. the doctors really didn't know what was wrong with him. they took x-rays of his abdomen, drew some blood, took his blood pressure, gave him some feel good medicine and stuck him with an iv. the day before, brian had the bright idea of walking piestewa peak with his brother. i told him not to try and walk that death of a mountain, but he didn't listen. the doctors told him that could be a possibility of why he was cramping so much. brian doesn't exercise much and that walk up there must have drained him of all his fluids. the other possiblity could be appendicitis. they told me to monitor him and see if he has anymore pain in the next few days. hopefully, it is nothing to worry about...
posted by: mistysnow at 3:21 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 29, 2003
i am so glad it is friday. this week went by faster than last week. i will probably be working tomorrow, since i don't get paid for any of my holidays. it sucks, we are labeled independent contractors, but we were hired on as permanant employees about 3 years ago. i miss vacations, i miss paid holidays, and i miss sick days.
i have to write a list of stuff that i need to buy before we leave for our little adventure next week. we will be leaving from phoenix on thursday evening. my sister and i are planning on taking my dad out to eat on friday. we'll probably take him to gallup. i have a taste for a stuffed sopapilla from el sombreros. i love those things. they are so delicious. i'm thinking about it right now and a stuffed sopapilla at 3:00 in the morning sure sounds good...
god, my cousin is doing it again. yesterday, we were sitting here at work and she got a call from her boyfriend. i guess he needed to be taken to work, so she clocked out and was on her way to pick him up. after she left, an instant message popped onto her screen and it asked, "so, when shall we meet again?". my co-worker saw it first, we checked the guy's profile, and we saw that it was a goofy looking guy. he was white and looked like some kind of serial killer. i probably had a look of disgust on my face because my co-workers took one look at my face and started laughing. how can my cousin do that? so far, we know of 4 other men that she secretly meets, but she has no idea that we know this. it's so sickening to think about. i, on the other hand, would not do such a thing, even back when i was single and crazy, helllll no! it's just crazy. these days you really can't trust a person, let alone what kind of nasty disease you might get. ughh.
posted by: mistysnow at 3:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2003
happy thursday! tired...sooooo...i'm going home to sleep in a bit.
posted by: mistysnow at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
i didn't make my goal with my hours like i said i would, but i'm really happy with the outcome. it's better than 80 hours. i worked a total of 133 hours for the pay period. dang, i still can't believe i did it. i know i was determined to work some outrageous hours so my ass can make it back to the rez. i can't wait. my sister is coming down too, so my dad's house will be packed!
sheesh, for the past two days i've been dreaming that i got the job. it's so annoying to wake up and find out that it was just a dream. don't you just hate when you have dreams like that? dreams that seem so real? arghh...
posted by: mistysnow at 5:03 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
well, didn't do much over the weekend. i worked on saturday, so i had no energy to do anything anyway. i almost went into work sunday, but decided that i shouldn't over work myself before the new week even started. i cooked on sunday though. it's the first time i touched a pan or anything in the kitchen in about a week. i was craving some beef stew that early sunday morning. i made the trip to a local fry's market and bought me all the fixings. i grabbed some yellow squash, baby carrots, celery, stewed tomatoes, potatoes and a giant family pack of beef stew meat. dang, i must have had a massive craving because i also baked a two layer chocolate cake. i was martha stewart for the day.
yesterday i went to a job interview. i was interviewed by two people. i was definately nervous! my palms were sweaty and my legs were jiggly. my interview lasted approximately 30 minutes. i'm not sure if they liked me or not. they were too nice. i couldn't read their body language. usually, i can tell from an interview if they like me or not, but this one i'm not too sure. i just know that i really want to work at this place. i'll talk more about it if i get the job, but i'm trying not to think about it too much because i don't want to get upset when i find out that i wasn't picked for the position.
posted by: mistysnow at 1:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2003
i finally hunted down some gas the other day. it's such a relief to know that i'm driving around with a full tank of gas. although, i wish i could've bought a gas container at an auto parts store so i can stock up. i would hate to wait in those long lines for gas again. i found out yesterday that the test on the gas pipes failed so a big woop de do for that. heh, yeah right! they also are thinking of building an oil refinery here. yay, for more pollution!
i have a dental appointment again today, so i will probably have to take off for a bit...i'm contemplating on whether i should come back to work or not. i have body aches all over, i know the reason why, but i don't think any of you men want to hear about it.....working all these hours has finally got the best of me. i sleep really good at night and wake up tired. an hour ago, i was sitting here nodding off. my eyes would flicker and then they will eventually close. i wake up so quick, though, when ever my head would fall forward. i had to crack open a can of soda a little while ago, so i wouldn't fall asleep again. i hate when i do that. my cousin does the same. she would be sitting at her desk typing away and then all of sudden there would be dead silence. you look at her and she would be sitting in her chair with her head tilted back, sleeping. we throw spit wads or sticky notes at her so she can wake up. a daily routine for us...
posted by: mistysnow at 3:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
today i have to run around phoenix to try and look for some gas. we have no gas here, and when there is gas, there are long lines just to get gas. my car is running on fumes. it really sucks when you have drive out of your way and wait in long lines for gas. i heard that some places were up to $4.00 dollars a gallon. that is nuts. that's price gouging. i saw a 1-800 number you can call to report places that are price gouging on the news the other day, but i didn't have time to write it down. i don't know what i'm going to do if my gas runs out, i don't know where to go to get gas. i'm in such a dilemma, it is actually stressing me out. i might have to hop onto a city bus just to get to work soon. imagine me waiting at a bus stop on a hot summer day, i don't think so. i need gas, someone fedex me some gas so i can take my butt to work.
posted by: mistysnow at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 18, 2003
i was talking to my sister today. she's decided to join the air force in september. she scored an 88% on her asvab test. the highest you can score is a 99% and the state average for new mexico is 35%. i think she is making a really good decision. she wants to be a linguist or an aeromedical apprentice. wow, my little sister.....she lives in albuquerque now. she just finished classes at sipi and is working part-time until she leaves. i'm gonna really miss that girl, even though we might have not been that close as we were growing up, i still love her to death. i think back to the times when we were little kids and sometimes i wish i could take back all the mean things that i did and said to her. i was a horrible big sister. i remember one time my little friends and i were playing and my little sister wanted to join in our play time. i didn't want her around so i chased her. i threw sticks and rocks at her. i was a really mean sister. i just think of those things when i think about her and i get so teary thinking about how bad i treated her. so now, whenever i see her, i usually buy her things or give her money, i always feel so guilty when i see her. in a way, buying her things and giving her money makes me feel better inside......and to let her know that i really care and love her. i wonder, am i the only one that was this mean to their siblings?
anyway, i'm home. they are supposed to do some kind of maintenance inspection here. so far, i've had 3 maintenance inspections within a year. what in the world is going on? it's funny, i've lived at several different apartment complexes and they never do this much maintenance inspections. it should only be once every year. i'm getting sick and tired of them entering my apartment while i'm not here. so today, instead of working my usual 12 hours, i decided to leave early so i can be here to watch them do the maintenance inspection. they did the other two when i wasn't here, and i really don't feel comfortable with them entering my apartment when i'm not here.
posted by: mistysnow at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2003
well, went to the dentist yesterday. i got my last filling done. i'm so relieved! i have a cleaning scheduled next week and then after that i have to visit an oral surgeon. i'm so terrified. i'm shaking right now just thinking about it. i have two impacted wisdom teeth and it will require surgery to get them out. they also told me that i should expect to take a couple of days off of work. sheesh, am i going to be in that much pain? has any one had their wisdom teeth surgically removed? what are the after effects?
anyway, i'm here at work, taking my time on starting work. it's a saturday and i'm still sleepy. yesterday i woke up around 1am and didn't get to sleep around 10:30 last night. i was running around the metro mall. dang, that mall has become a hang out for teenagers. they are every where. i had to dodge a lot of them because they were hauling around big backpacks or skateboards or something of that nature. i need to remember to stay away from that mall on fridays and the weekends.
i need to work 8 more 12 hour days to fulfill my goal. we'll see if i can make it through next week with these kind of hours. i bet by monday i will be completely burnt out, but hopefully my motivation will keep me going....
posted by: mistysnow at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2003
i can't believe it's already friday, working these long hours really makes a work week fly by so fast. i'm surprised i'm not as tired as i thought i would be. i only get about 6 hours of sleep a night. i'm up around 1am, out the door by 1:45 and i get to work around 2am. once i get to work, most of time is spent checking email and web surfing. this lasts for about ...hmmmm....maybe 3 or 4 hours and then when people from the other department start trickling in around 7am, then thats when i get to work.
today i have another dental appointment. i need to get a filling. sheesh, i used to be terrified of dentists when i was a kid. i hated going to the dental clinics on the reservation. i think they loved to torcher little kids. i remember a couple of times when i was a kid, i had to get fillings done, and all that time they were drilling on my teeth, i could feel them drilling. i remember trying to motion to them that it was hurting, but they just ignored me and kept on working. those bastards!
posted by: mistysnow at 3:08 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
september fair is near....i'm trying to put in as many hours at work so my ass can make it to window rock. my goal is to work 12 hours a day, monday-saturday, until august the 26th. That should give me a total of 168 hours. do you think i could it? i guess we will have to see after the 26th rolls around....
my boss is in town. yesterday he actually had the decency to say hello to me. i of course said hello back and went back to what i was doing. actually, i went back to trying to keep myself busy. i'm still pissed off about something my coworkers and i discovered the other day. we found out that one of the hoes that works at home for us makes probably about 20,000 more than us. i don't understand how she did it, she must have sucked a lot of dick to get where she is now. he definately overlooked us when it came down to picking and choosing for that position. not one time did he even mention to us about the position or even asked us if we would consider wanting to take up the position. the girls and i sat and talked about why we were not picked for the position and we came down to a conclusion..... we are not 'white', it's just plain and simple. we busted our asses to get this department up and running and you would think he would in return do us the same favor. the department came about from our knowledge of coding legal documents. he wouldn't have made it either way. our boss thinks we don't know about this, but the girls and i can be quite the snoop when we are here in the wee hours of the morning. gawd.....i'm still going on my job interviews. i need to get out this place quick!
anyway, this is my bitching for the day.....drama...drama....drama!
posted by: mistysnow at 6:36 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 11, 2003
yay, it's monday! NOT. last night i got a call from one of the girls from work. she tells me we probably won't get to go into work today. i should be happy, but for some reason i just feel like going into work today.
i didn't do too much over the weekend. i had lunch with a good friend of mine. the food was good, but we had to wait for a freaking long time for the food to get to our table. i was really annoyed, so i only tipped her 2 dollars. i should've left a penny for her. naw, i'm not that evil, but sheesh, she could have offered us some free dessert or something for the inconvenience. anyway, after lunch brian and i went to go watch S.W.A.T. i liked it. we ended up watching it on the northside of town, i think it was on 34th st and bell. i tell ya though, that's probably my 2nd time hanging out way the heck out there and it's like a temporary culture shock. haha.
i don't know what i'm going to do today since it looks like i won't be making it into work today. the stupid server is down and they can't get it back up and working again. i bet it's another virus....i'm going to go warm up some of the chili beans and frybread i made yesterday and plop my ass on the living room floor and veg out.
posted by: mistysnow at 8:44 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 07, 2003
man, i was so tired yesterday. i got off work and had scheduled me an appointment with my car dealership so they can check the radio/cd player that came with the car. the radio/cd player in my car has been broke for about 2 months now and it really sucks because i can't listen to any of my cds when i'm driving. i didn't realize that not having radio in your vehicle can be so boring. anyway, i waited there for about 2 hours and within those 2 hours i must have fell asleep in their lounge because i woke up with someone shaking me and calling my name. it was my service advisor trying to get me up to tell me that my car was ready to go. she told me that they ordered a new radio/cd player and i should be expecting a letter in the mail in the next couple of weeks telling me that my radio is in. yay! i'm getting a new radio! i bought an extended warranty on my vehicle and so now all i have to do is pay a $50 dollar deductible.
this past weekend was the greatest. brian and i spent our weekend with brian's sister, leona. it was a full house. we bbqed, went sight seeing and watched movies all in one weekend. i always have a good time when we go back, i wish it could last a little longer. i think i won't be satisfied until i stay out on the rez for about 2 months.
posted by: mistysnow at 4:52 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
okay, i added some more pics to the random pics and kitty cat photo galleries, enjoy!!
posted by: mistysnow at 9:02 PM 0 comments
i had a wonderful relaxing weekend. i took some photos, but don't have the time to post them up yet. i hope y'all had a good weekend!
posted by: mistysnow at 6:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 31, 2003
my goodness! it's so humid outside. i can't stand it sometimes. i feel like i can't breathe. when i first moved to phoenix i was sick most of the time because i couldn't get used to the climate change and especially the heat. now i just deal with it, even though it can be so uncomfortable at times. i wonder how people who jog in the heat can even stand it. most of the people that i observe jogging in the heat are men. they jog shirtless and you can see them glistening in the sun. rawr...
we're thinking of leaving town this weekend. probably going to drive down to kayenta and spend our weekend out there. i really need to get out of this place. driving to the reservation can be so comforting and especially a big stress relief. being back on the rez takes away all my worries. it's therapy for me. i can clear my mind and have some fun at the same time. the only thing i'm not to fond of right now is that brian's brother-in-law asked us to bring some alcohol down. i don't want to purchase alcohol and haul it all the way down to the rez. that's silly. i feel like i'm in highschool again trying to ask older people to make a run. those were some crazy days, but his request did bring back some of those retarded memories of when i was younger and such a stupid girl.
posted by: mistysnow at 1:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
we finally got rain last night. the monsoon storm finally swept into central phoenix. it's just too bad i had to take my ass to sleep early, so i didn't get to romp around in the rain.
i have an interview today, but i'm not sure i really want to go to the interview. i hate that i have this negative feeling. i think i may know the reason why though. i'm waiting to hear back from this other job that i so desperately want and i'm basically waiting for them to call me for an interview. the other day, the office manager at my work spoke to me for a brief moment and he asked me if i was searching for another job. i told him a little fib. i told him i was trying to look for volunteer work or a part-time job. the office manager looked at me with a weird expression and then blurted out to me that a certain company called him the other day asking about me and asking what kind of work i did. i was totally caught off guard. after our brief conversation i just wanted to scurry away and hide under a rock some where. i hope he doesn't treat me any different because of this. what really gets me is that i answered 'no' on the part that asks you if they could contact your employer on the application. i was sort of pissed that they called, but then again i thought about it for a bit and realized that they wouldn't have called my work if they weren't interested in me.
my dad left phoenix on sunday. i miss him desperately and wish he could have stayed a little longer....
posted by: mistysnow at 3:48 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 25, 2003
it is official! i finally got my yearly raise. they gave me a 4.75% raise. this is good and bad. the raise is good because we finally got our raise after requesting a review for so long. the bad thing is that i may have to leave soon, since i recently finished school. i cannot make up my mind. since, my graduation from school i've filled out job applications at almost every hospital around the area i live. i'm not sure if i really want to leave my current job. the reason i say this is because i will miss my co-workers. i've been with these girls for over 6 years. i'm thinking of working full time at my future position and then asking if i could work part-time at my current job. i'm hoping that the boss in texas will let me do that. if not, then i guess it's good bye to my dear friends. i know i will miss them very much, but i know that i have to do something with my life quick! this will be the hardest thing for me to do, to leave my friends.
i'm trying to clean up a bit. brian and i moved around furniture last weekend and we are still trying to dust, vacuum, wipe down, and put every thing back together. i have no idea why we decided to rearrange the living room. it was fun at first, but when we got done moving every thing around we noticed that we still had to put back every thing. it's been a mess since last weekend and i have until tonight to clean every thing up. my dad will be arriving tonight!
posted by: mistysnow at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2003
oh my gawd, today was a freaking tease! i saw storm clouds, lightening, and there was a lot of wind, but you know what? it didn't even freaking rain in the area i was in. it seemed like it knew that i wanted the rain so much, so it purposely went around the area i was in. dang, that sucks. now, its so darn hot and muggy.
i called my dad today. he told me that he's going to be here early saturday morning. he should be arriving in the wee hours of the morning with my two brothers. geez, my brothers haven't been out here in a while. i've moved two times since the last time they came to visit me. i know this weekend will be interesting. i'm sorta glad that my step mother isn't coming. she gets on my nerves and at times i can't stand to be around her. to tell you the truth, i really don't know what my dad saw in that lady...
i'm here at work as always. i didn't realize that destination 2 came out on dvd, so i'm probably going to stop by target after work. i'm also waiting on bringing down the house (aug. 5) and lord of the rings the two towers (aug. 26) to come out.
posted by: mistysnow at 12:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
i had a good day until i got home.....gawd, i'm so mad right now it just makes me want to cry!
posted by: mistysnow at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
well, my birthday was on saturday. i turned 27. i feel so old. i feel like a 40 year old woman trapped in a 27 year old body. i'm serious, i think i grew up too fast. especially, when i moved out here when i was 18. i realized how hard it was to live alone and have no one to help financially. but i made it on my own. all that i have now, i achieved on my own. my family didn't help me because they were in a big financial mess themselves, so i was here, stuck to fend for myself.
anyway, brian took me out to dinner for my brithday. we ate at this wonderful seafood restaurant called papadeux's. yum yum! they have the most delicious seafood dishes and the best desserts. they're to die for! especially their banana pudding. afterwards, he took me out to the mall and told me to get anything i wanted for my birthday. i made the decision to buy clothes. it was perferct, i had a $50 gift coupon for a particular store that i love shopping at too! i think this is probably the best birthday present i had in a long time! i really enjoyed it and this is the first year that i actually didn't drink on my birthday. yay!!
my dad is coming down to visit me this weekend. he missed my graduation and my birthday, so he promised that he will visit me this weekend. i can't wait! that means i have to clean. blah. i have so much junk laying around. i have piles of paper that needs to be filed away in the filing cabinet. i think i might need a secretary or something to do all my filing because i hate sorting through papers. i do enough of it at work already.
posted by: mistysnow at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2003
i didn't do much yesterday. i went home after work. i was going to go home to clear off my computer desk because it's been a whirlwind of a mess for such a long time, but i just moved a few papers here and there and ended up laying down, watching tv and then falling asleep. i woke up when brian got home from work, but i must have fell asleep again and i didn't wake up until 8:00 last night. i hate when i do that.
posted by: mistysnow at 4:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
i've been here at work since 4 this morning. i haven't done much, but who really cares, i sure as hell don't.
there wasn't much devastation when i walked outside early this morning. i saw a few branches and trash lying on the ground, but nothing really major happened from the wind last night. i thought it was going to rain. i did see lightening in the distance, but it never made its way into central phoenix. i am disappointed that it didn't. we are in desperate need of some rain. the temperature and humidity is beginning to be unbearable. yesterday, i felt nauseated and was beginning to feel dizzy, but it subsided a few minutes later. my co-workers automatically thought i was pregnant. i don't know why they would think of such a thing.
posted by: mistysnow at 6:54 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
i guess the monsoon finally swept into town tonight. it's really windy here. i heard a few things falling over on the balcony a while ago. i hate to go see what fell down.
i finished school. last day of school was on friday and graduation was on sunday. i feel so relieved, finally! it is really weird though, i still feel the same, always tired and no energy. it really doesn't make any sense......
posted by: mistysnow at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 11, 2003
awwww....look at my cute babies.
thought this was neat!!!! <---check it out, don't maximize the viewing screen because it will give away the illusion.
on another note......i looooove monica's "so gone" remix.
posted by: mistysnow at 3:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2003
This ought to make you think -- and it's for real!
A stock clerk was sent to clean up a storeroom in Maui, Hawaii. When he got back he was complaining that the storeroom was really filthy and that he had noticed dried mouse or rat droppings in some areas. A couple of days later, he started to feel like he was coming down with stomach flu, complained of sore joints and headaches, and began to vomit. He went to bed and never really got up again.
Within two days he was severely ill and weak. His blood sugar count was down to 66, and his face and eyeballs were yellow. He was rushed to the emergency at Pali-Momi, where he was diagnosed to be suffering from massive organ failure.
He died shortly before midnight.
No one would have made the connection between his job and his death, had it not been for a doctor who specifically asked if he had been in a warehouse exposed to dry rat or mouse droppings at any time.
They said there is a virus (much like the Hanta virus) that lives in dried rat and mouse droppings. Once dried, these droppings are like dust and can easily be breathed in or ingested if a person does not wear protective gear or fails to wash face and hands thoroughly. An autopsy was performed on the clerk to verify the doctor's suspicions.
This is why it is extremely important to ALWAYS carefully rinse off the tops of canned sodas or foods, and to wipe off pasta packaging, cereal boxes, and so on. Almost everything you buy in a supermarket was stored in a warehouse at one time or another, and stores themselves often have rodents.
Most of us remember to wash vegetables and fruits but never think of boxes and cans. The ugly truth is, even the most modern, upper class, super store has rats and mice. And their warehouse most assuredly does!
Whenever you buy any canned soft drink, please make sure that you wash the top with running water and soap or, if that is not available, drink with a straw.
The investigation of soda cans by the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta discovered that the tops of soda cans can be encrusted with dried rat's urine, which is so toxic it can be lethal.
Canned drinks and other foodstuffs are stored in warehouses and containers that are usually infested with rodents, and then they get transported to retail outlets without being properly cleaned.
Please send this message to the people you care about. (I JUST DID!)
>A stock clerk was sent to clean up a storeroom at Bashas in Chinle.
>When he got back he was complaining that the storeroom was really filthy and that he
>had noticed dried mouse or rat droppings in some areas.... A couple of days later, he started to feel like he was coming down with stomach flu, complained of sore joints and headaches, and began to vomit. He went to bed and never really got up again. Within two days he was severely ill and weak. His blood sugar count was down to 66, and his face and eyeballs were yellow. He was rushed to the emergency at Chinle Indian Hospital, where he was diagnosed to be suffering from massive organ failure. He died shortly before midnight. No one would have made the connection between his job and his death, had it not been for a doctor who specifically asked if he had been in a warehouse exposed to dry rat or mouse droppings at any time.
>They said there is a virus (much like the Hanta virus) that lives in dried rat and mouse droppings. Once dried, these droppings are like dust and can easily be breathed in or ingested if a person does not wear protective gear or fails to wash face and hands thoroughly.
>An autopsy wasperformed on the clerk to verify the doctor's suspicions. This is why it is extremely important to ALWAYS carefully rinse off the tops of canned sodas or foods, and to wipe off pasta packaging, cereal boxes, and so on. Almost everything you buy in a supermarket was stored in a warehouse at one time or another, and stores themselves often have rodents. Most of us remember to wash vegetables and fruits but never think of boxes
>and cans. The ugly truth is, even the most modern, upper class, super store has rats and mice. And their warehouse most assuredly does.
>Whenever you buy any canned soft drink, please make sure that you wash the top with running water and soap or, if that is not available, drink with a straw. The investigation of soda cans by the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta discovered that the tops of soda cans can be encrusted with dried rat's urine, which is so toxic it can be lethal. Canned drinks and other foodstuffs are stored in warehouses and containers that are usually infested with rodents, and then they get transported to retail outlets without being properly cleaned.
>Please forward this message to the people you care about.
posted by: mistysnow at 10:55 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 09, 2003
i hate going to the dentist. i hate that it's hot here. i hate that i'm soooooooo lazy.
posted by: mistysnow at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 03, 2003
well, my plans for leaving to the reservation has changed. i wanted to visit the food stands and browse through all the neat stuff that the road side vendors had to offer. i've been trying to look for a turquoise bracelet, but i can't seem to find one that i have in mind. i particularly like the thin bracelets that have rows of turquoise, i can't seem to find one like that. i want one that i can wear every day, just like a watch.
so, now that i know that we are going to be staying in town, i'm not really sure what we are going to do for july 4th, or even the weekend. brian's cousin brother has been staying with us for about 2 days. i don't mind him staying, it's just that i don't like him staying and sipping on them beers. i hate the smell of beer. I didn't mind the smell of beer a few years back, but now, i just don't know why i can't stand the smell anymore. it's not like i don't like alcohol because i can sure down a few mixed drinks when i have the chance, but recently when i see some one drinking beer, smelling like beer, or having beer, it just disgusts me. this feeling also applies to brian. he drinks beer every now and then and seeing him drink beer disgusts me sometimes.
anyway, i'm here at work waiting for the minutes and hours to pass by, but today seems to be going slower than it normally would. i don't know if i will be making it into class today. i would like to skip class to actually go shopping. i have to shop for something to wear for my graduation. graduation is on july 13th and i still haven't paid for my cap and gown.
anyway, i hope you all have a good 4th of july weekend, if you're leaving town, drive safely, don't drink and drive, and be good.
posted by: mistysnow at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 01, 2003
i'm really disappointed with my insurance company. every time i call there i always have to be placed on a call back list and then i don't receive a call back from them for about 4-5 hours. yesterday, i received my insurance bill. dang, i about died looking at the statement amount, is $574.60 too much for adding a vehicle and a person to your current insurance? i don't know, the charges were explained to me, but i still cannot understand why it should cost that much. they say the reason why it was that much was because i added a vehicle and a new person in the middle of my policy. i don't know much about car insurance, but i will surely get a second opinion about my situation.
i have about 7 more days left of school. yay! that means i will have no more long hours! yeah right, i will probably keep this job as my second job working from home. it kinda sucks though, because i finally get my raise and i will be leaving soon and when i work from home i won't be getting paid hourly. i haven't started job hunting yet either.
i don't really know what brian and i are doing this weekend. we were planning on going back to the rez, but brian is having second thoughts. he says he's too lazy and he would rather enjoy his time this weekend relaxing. i don't know about that. i had my mind set on going back. hopefully, i can help him change his mind by thursday.
posted by: mistysnow at 6:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2003
gosh, for some reason i'm so excited for the 4th of july weekend to roll around. anyway, i'm here at work and i'm about to leave. i have to fill out this book of an application when i get home. ohhhh....and here are my kittys. aren't they cute?

posted by: mistysnow at 6:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
the boss is in town today. the office manager informed us that we will be having a meeting with the boss tomorrow about our raises/bonus checks. we are to receive bonus checks every december and july. lately, we have been bugging him about our raises and bonus checks. i'm wondering why it has to come down to a 'big' meeting tomorrow? hopefully, the meeting won't be bad news. i'd be pissed if we find out we are not getting our bonus checks and i'll be REALLY pissed if we don't get a raise. we were supposed to get our yearly raise in january. what month is it now? it's freaking july! dang, my boss can be a real shit head. this is one reason i put my ass through school.
yesterday, they exterminated the whole apartment complex. the memo the office sent us told us to clear out all drawers, cabinets, and closets. we had to bag everything! it took me 5 hours on sunday to do this and it was my day off. i actually felt like i was moving out of my apartment. the kitchen was stripped. there was nothing on the counters, nothing in the drawers, and nothing in the pantry. i really don't understand why they had to do this. i have not seen a roach in my apartment since i moved in. i moved to this apartment complex in february 2001. they also posted that they have to do a follow up in 14 days. however, i do think that someone must have been infested with roaches and they were afraid they were going to migrate into other apartments. this was such an inconvenience for me because i had to take my kittys away for a day in order for them to do this and i will have to probably do it again in 14 more days. dang...
i have 13 more days until i finally finish school. yipee. no more 12 hour days for me anymore.....actually not for a while that is. i think i will keep this job that i have as a part time job working from home because i probably need some extra money to pay my tuition off. anyway, i gotta go. the boss is walking around here some where and i don't want to be caught.:)
posted by: mistysnow at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 23, 2003
i know i haven't been blogging much these days. i feel so drained all the time, and since i sit in front of the computer most of the time, i think i just got fed up with the logging on logging off deal.
i ditched school today and decided to come into work to try and make up some hours that i missed. we have a long pay period, which consists of 12 days, but so far, i've missed 2 1/2 days. i wonder when i will actually get a full pay check? i don't think it will ever happen. i usually get tired within the first or second week and decide to miss a couple of days. blah. they don't say shit about our absences so i don't really care. i would probably care more if they would get after us, but they don't. i like it this way and hopefully it won't ever change.
i have a bunch of pictures i took over the father's day weekend, but i haven't had the chance to reinstall all my programs back into my computer since i formatted my computer at home. dang, that is such a drag. i lost everything! so far, all i've installed was winamp, winmx, office 2000, norton antivirus, and yahoo messenger. i need to get on the ball and start installing my crap before i completely forget.
i've also added a new addition to the household. i got a new kitten. his name is zoey. actually, i'm not really sure if it is a boy or a girl, but i sure hope it is a boy because that is what we wanted. i don't really know yet, usually, you can tell if it is a boy/girl until it's about a month or two. my gigi hated the kitten when we first brought it home, but now she is being motherly. she sits there licking the heck out the kitten. the kitten even tries to suckle on her stomach. it's so cute. i will post the pics up sooner or later, but for now i am taking pictures of them as the days go by.
posted by: mistysnow at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 20, 2003
Thursday, June 12, 2003
i had to format my computer, which totally sucks. i spent my day trying to get my cable modem to work and trying to install all my programs i had on my computer. i still haven't finished installing every yet. i was so frustrated today. i was listening to music early this morning and then i had opened up two different programs at the same time and then my computer locked up so i restarted my computer and then the computer didn't want to load up windows any more. i am so sad. i lost every thing that i had saved on my computer. i almost ended up driving to fry's electronics and buying me whole new computer. i was that frustrated. i should be okay tomorrow though. i have enough time to load every thing back up. i should be leaving back to the reservation after 2pm tomorrow. i hope you all have a wonderful father's day because i know i sure will.
posted by: mistysnow at 10:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 09, 2003
i worked on saturday and when i got home i practically plopped on the bed and fell asleep as soon as i layed down. i guess i was really exhausted. i remember at one time i thought i was dreaming i was at work. i think i was delirious. i didn't get much done that morning , but i don't give a damn really.
after i woke up from my long nap, brian and i decided to make our way to walmart. we decided to visit the walmart at the spectrum mall (christown). the bbq grill was our main reason for visiting the place. i hate going to that walmart because you can run into the weirdest people there. often times you will run into soliciters who will try to sell you tamales or either a person walking around wanting to sell you an 18k gold necklace or bracelet. i tell ya, this place is getting to be really ghetto. i try and avoid that walmart at all times, but i was too tired to go to the other walmart that we usually go to. anyway, we make our way into walmart dodging people and avoiding all chaos until we made our way to the back where the bbq grills were displayed. we found the bbq grill we wanted, but we noticed that the grill we wanted wasn't on the shelf , so brian had to go and flag a fellow walmart employee down to ask if there was any in the back. there was only 3 left. i am so fortunate to get a grill in time because those things were going quick. i got it on sale, $160 buckaroos. my dad will definitely love this new toy. i just know it.
on sunday, we went to go watch too fast too furious and finding nemo. i enjoyed both movies, but i enjoyed watching too fast too furious the most. it was funny, interesting, and you get to see all them cool cars and trucks. i loved tyrese's humor and mmmmmm...he looked good too....oh did i say that out loud?
posted by: mistysnow at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 07, 2003
i was told the other day that women can have one breast larger than the other........i've heard of fingers and feet being like that, but breasts? i don't know about that. anyway, i'm here at work. i got in around 1am and now its about 1:45. i haven't started on anything yet. i've been surfing the net and checking email ever since i came in.
yesterday, i turned in my employment application at a nearby hospital. i'm crossing my fingers hoping that i will get in. i've been surfing the internet looking around and getting ready to look for jobs since i'm graduating in a couple of weeks. i need to get out of this so-called job that i have. i've been here too long and its time for me to move on, don't get me wrong, the pay here is good, but i just need to be in a place where i know there can be advancement opportunities. you definitely will not get it here unless you are a man. this so-called place that i work at is dominated by men! they are not the ordinary kind of men, they are freaking pigs and can be so inconsiderate at times. i don't understand how their women can put up with their butts.
i'm probably going to be leaving today around 9am. i missed a couple of days this week so i'm trying to make up some hours. i hate working on saturdays, but i know i have bills to pay. i know when i get home in the morning i'm going to go straight to bed. i've only had about 3 hrs of sleep and i know it will soon take its toll on me mentally and physically.
posted by: mistysnow at 2:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 05, 2003
ohhhhh....i cannot wait until father's day weekend rolls around. i have one more week to go. brian and i decided that we would take the truck back to ft. defiance to try and get some rez mud on our truck. lately, i have been seeing a lot of rez trucks driving around town. i wonder what is going on? i can usually recognize a rez vehicle because of a native sticker or red rez mud plastered all over their vehicle. usually, when i see one of them vehicles, i try and imagine where they are from and what they are doing visiting a place that is as hot as an oven. i miss the reservation, i have not been back to my father's house since christmas, so going back on father's day will be such a delight. i haven't informed my dad of our visit, so it surely will be a big surprise. i can't wait to see his expression on his face when we pull into the drive way.
I'm not really sure on what to get him for father's day. i'm contemplating on whether to visit a christian store or a store that sells bbq grills. see, i usually try and call my dad every sunday or every other sunday and so far on the sundays that i do call, he is usually in the process of bbqing or he had just finished bbqing for the family. sheesh, ever since my dad purchased that bbq grill he has been the bbq king. he can probably bbq any thing in the frig. anyway, i've been looking on the internet for some and here's a few that i've been looking into getting for him: Thermos Quickset Charcoal/Gas Grill, Fiesta Optima Gas Grill, Uniflame Premium 40,000-BTU Gas Grill. i'm still looking, but more than likely it will probably be one of those that i listed.
i was also given this link and this slot game can be so addicting. For one, you are actually playing and winning and two you are not playing with real money, now don't you just wish those machines can play like this in a real casino? sucks huh?
posted by: mistysnow at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 03, 2003
awwww........i have nothing really going on. i didn't do much this weekend. i'm very frustrated with my insurance company. i mean, if they are short on staff, why don't they hire more people? i called them on monday to have them add another vehicle to my policy, but i have not heard from them. i had to go out of my way to call them. it's crazy, i mean, don't they realize that they are going to lose business because of their inability to get back to their customers right away? tomorrow, will be the third day i will be calling over there to check on the status of my policy. dang, it just makes want to go over there and raise some hell with them. arrgghhhh....i'm so mad right now...... i will probably go home and sulk. brian will come to my rescue......
posted by: mistysnow at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 30, 2003
i'm stuck here at work until 8:30pm. i also found out that we had visitors in town and now our apt will be a temporary hotel/motel to house the visitors. i like visitors, but there's just some weekends i want to stay home and relax from a very long week, this is one weekend i wish we didn't have visitors.
sheesh, it's been about 3 weeks since i last went to the emergency room. i went in for a severe sore throat. this is probably the worst sore throat i ever had in my life. it got to the point that it was so painful to swallow. anyway, about 3 weeks ago i walked into the emergency room, the doctor examined my throat for a second or two, and he was on his way to get my medication. i was really disappointed that he didn't do something more, like for example, a culture or something! He didn't even tell me my diagnosis, all he said was that my throat looked, "bad". i was going to ask him some questions, but i could tell that he was in a hurry to get to the next patient, so of course, i didn't ask anything. the medication (amoxicillin) seemed to be working until i stopped taking it 5 days later, and now my throat is beginning to hurt again. its been hurting for the last 3 days and i'm sorta getting freaked out about it because i don't have a cough nor do i have a runny nose, but for some reason my throat hurts like hell when i swallow. dang, i might have to visit the hospital sometimes this weekend, which will be such a drag, since the weekend is my time to relax.
anyway, i hope y'all have a good weekend and don't do anything i wouldn't do.....
posted by: mistysnow at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2003
this is soooooo hilarious, but a bit dirty. if you don't like reading dirty jokes then i suggest you skip reading this.
A Navajo buys several sheep, hoping to breed them for wool. After several weeks, he notices that none of the sheep are getting pregnant so he calls a vet for help.
The vet tells him that he should try artificial insemination. The Navajo doesn't have the slightest idea what this means but, not wanting to display his ignorance, only asks the vet how he will know when the sheep are pregnant. The vet tells him that they will stop standing around and instead will lie down and wallow in grass when they are pregnant. The man hangs up and gives it some thought. He comes to the conclusion that artificial insemination means he has to impregnate the sheep.
So, he loads the sheep into his pick-up truck, drives them out into the woods, has sex with them all, brings them back and goes to bed.
Next morning, he wakes and looks out at the sheep. Seeing that they are all still standing around, he deduces that they didn't take, and loads them in the pick-up truck again. He drives them into the woods, bangs each sheep twice for good measure brings them back and goes to bed exhausted.
Next morning, he wakes to find the sheep still standing round. One more try, he tells himself, and proceeds to load up and drive them out to the woods. He spends all day shagging the sheep and, upon returning home, falls listlessly into bed.
The next morning, he cannot even raise himself from the bed to look at the sheep. He asks his wife to look out and tell him if the sheep are lying in the grass.
"No," she says, "they're all in the pick-up truck and one of them is beeping the horn."
posted by: mistysnow at 4:11 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2003
new layout. i'm still trying to work with it. i'm not an html guru so it may take me a while to figure out why the letters at the bottom are not in the table. if you know, then please help me. thanks.
posted by: mistysnow at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
another day another dollar. i'm at work as always. i didn't make it into work yesterday because i was too busy helping brian with his resume and prepping him on some of his job interviews. that hard work sure paid off because brian landed a job yesterday. he starts tuesday and i'm so proud of him. he's been off of work for about 5 months and he is gonna have to get back into the groove again. the only down part to this new job is that he had to buy a whole set of tools and a humungous rolling tool box.
over the weekend, i got to see the matrix reloaded. i wasn't too fond of the movie. especially, the 5 minute sex scene and the weird dance scene of the hundreds of people. the ending of the movie pissed me off, it left you with a, "that's it" expression on your face. i should have saved my 5 dollars and watched it when it came out on dvd at blockbuster. dang.
i also visited the local ghetto flea market that they have at the drive-in in glendale. it was a bad mistake to go there with no water. i almost died out there walking around in the scorching heat. i was too busy trying to look for my soda bottles. i think i'm becoming addicted to collecting them soda bottles. after all that running around and wanting water i found those beautiful things sitting on the table a few feet away from me. i bought 4 bottles, two coke and two pepsi. the two pepsi bottles are 1972 asu and some other team, i can't remember and the other two coke bottles are 1987 asu and some team rosebowl bottles. i thought they were really cool so i had to buy them. anyway, that was my adventurous weekend, NOT!
posted by: mistysnow at 7:45 PM 0 comments